AVX-10K Software Release 3.1.4 Now Available


This Latest Software Release Makes the AVX-10K Fully Equivalent to the IFR4000 and IFR6000

VIAVI Solutions announce software release 3.1.4 for the AVX-10K, which provides test capability for AM, FM, SSB, SELCAL Radio Test (COMM) applications, and 121.5/243/406Mhz ELT test capability. The new software release also contains a number of improvements including improved graphics.

Once installed, users who have purchased the COMMs and ELT options will need to also install the appropriate Option Key.

  • StrataSync users will be notified via email when their Option Keys have been added to their account.
  • Option Keys will be emailed to those who chose that method at the time of booking.

For more information see the software release notes